Electro Fusion Fitting




Union Global supplies  HDPE Electrofusion fittings ranging from 20mm to 1000mm manufactured in Turkey in ISO and BS Standards


DE (mm) Z (mm) H (mm)
20 33 60
25 38 66
32 45 77
40 54 86
50 68 98
63 82 112
75 98 122
90 118 138
110 142 158
125 160 172
140 181 184
160 206 202
180 227 210
200 252 224
225 282 240
250 315 246
280 355 268
315 400 285
355 450 300
400 500 320
450 560 340
500 630 360
560 630 370
630 710 400
710 800 400